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Nova-szeru valtozo a Sco-ban

Dátum: 2001. június 21., 23:11
Feladó: Külső hozzászóló --
Tárgy: Nova-szeru valtozo a Sco-ban


Legutobb ment egy kis hiszteria-csira a Nova Aql 2001 eltitkolasa
kapcsan, ezt megelozendo a Sco-beli uj objektumra vonatkozoan,
ime a ma esti AAVSO Alert Notice hire:

AAVSO ALERT NOTICE 285 (June 21, 2001)


We have been informed by the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
(IAU Circular 7647) that Katsumi Haseda, Toyohasi, Aichi, Japan,
discovered a novalike variable in Scorpius using 10-cm f/4.0 twin patrol
cameras and T-Max 400 film.  The object was seen on the following films
taken by Haseda (photovisual magnitudes): May 13.617 UT, 10.5; 17.664,
11.0; 28.624, 10.5; Jun. 15.661, 10.4.  Nothing was seen down to magnitude
12.0-12.9 on films taken by him on 27 dates between 1996 Mar. 26 and 2001
Apr. 22.744 UT.

Keniti Kadota, Ageo, Saitama, Japan, measured Haseda's discovery film and
obtained the following position for the object:

      R.A. = 17h 57m 06.98s Decl. = -32 degrees 23' 05.0"  (2000)

T. Kato, Kyoto University, Japan, noted that Kadota reported that nothing
was visible down to CCD magnitude 14 at the location of the object on an
image taken on 2000 Feb. 24.842 UT, and that no likely counterpart was
found in the 2MASS and MSX5C catalogues.

William Liller, Vina del Mar, Chile, reported that a CCD image of a
low-dispersion objective-prism spectrogram taken Jun. 21.150 UT shows the
presence of (presumably) H-alpha at approximately five times the
brightness of the surrounding continuum; the weak presence of (apparently)
H-beta indicates that the star is substantially reddened.  He also
reported that the object was CCD broadband-V magnitude 10.68 at this time.

According to Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu University, Japan, the Digital Sky
Survey shows a star near the location of the object at magnitudes about
17.5 R, 20 B.

K. Takamizawa, Saku-machi, Nagano, Japan, reported the following
prediscovery observations made with 10-cm f/4 twin patrol cameras +
unfiltered T-Max 400 film (photovisual magnitudes): Apr. 26.737 UT, <12.9;
May 12.643, 10.2; 16.698, 11.2; 20.692, 11.0; 25.660, 10.3.

Liller reported to the AAVSO the following observations made with an 85-mm
lens and Kodak Tech Pan film + red filter; he notes this film-filter
combination is highly sensitive to the region around H-alpha (approximate
red magnitudes): Jun. 1.106 UT, 10.6; 12.111, 10.4; 16.135, 10.2; 20.161,
10.3.  Nothing was seen down to magnitude 10.5-11.6 on films taken by him
on 12 dates between 2001 Feb. 24.371 and May 2.179 UT.

Additional observations reported to the AAVSO include: Jun. 21.1850, 11.1,
E. van Ballegoij, Oranjestad, Aruba.

Accompanying is a 'd' scale AAVSO Preliminary chart of Var Sco 01,
prepared by C. Scovil and K. Malatesta, AAVSO Headquarters.  Please use
this chart to observe this novalike variable, and report your observations
of 1750-32 VAR SCO 01 to AAVSO Headquarters, making sure to indicate which
comparison star(s) you used.

Congratulations to Katsumi Haseda on his latest discovery!


Electronic copies of the chart for Var Sco 01 mentioned in this Alert
Notice are available through our web site at the following address:

It may also be obtained directly from our FTP site (

The answering machine at AAVSO Headquarters is on nights and weekends for
your convenience. Please call our charge-free number (888-802-STAR
888-802-7827) to report your observations. We also encourage observers to
send observations by fax to 617-354-0665 or by e-mail through the Internet

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