Re: Virus e-mailben
Re: E-mail virus
Re: Elet a Marson
Kesett a Mir
Re: Virusok
NEM virus!

Dátum: 1997. december 15., hétfő (16:27 UT) |
Feladó: Brlas Pal |
Tárgy: NEM virus! |

Kedves Rózsa Feri és Csilla olvasók!

Az általad említett két email körözvény nem vírus. A tudomány jelenlegi
állása szerint komputer vírus csak végrehajtható állományon át tud
terjedni, ide tartoznak a makrók is. Az email text-je nem végrehajtható.
Mellékletben bármi lehet!
Ezekben az a "vírus", hogy mindenki ír mindenkinek róluk. Lásd még
pilótajáték szindróma.

Mellékelem az egyik nagy antivírus központ hivatalos állásfoglalását:

Join the Crew  

Aliases:  Hoax  
Infection length:  Hoax  
Area of infection:  Hoax  
Likelihood:  Hoax  
Region reported:  Online  
Characteristics:  Hoax  
Target platform:  Hoax  
Trigger date:  Hoax  


Join the Crew is not a virus. It is a hoax. The "virus" does not exist.
There is currently no virus that has the characteristics ascribed to "Join
the Crew." It is a sham, meant only to panic new or inexperienced computer

The hoax message includes the following "warning" seen in multiple forms:

Form 1

If you ever get an e-mail titled "JOIN THE CREW", do not open it because it
will wipe everything on your hard disk. This is the newest virus not many
people know about it. So e-mail it to everyone you know!!!!!!

Form 2

Please do not open up any mail that has this title. It will erase your
whole hard drive. This is a new e-mail virus and not a lot of people know
about it, just let everyone know, so they won't be a victim. Please forward
this e-mail to you friends!!! Remember the title: JOIN THE CREW

Form 3

We have just had notice of an E:Mail virus doing the rounds. Apparently the
virus is so new most virus checkers do not recognise it. If you receive an
E:Mail titled 'JOIN THE CREW' do not open it as it will:

1. Delete your hard-disk
2. Delete your E:Mail directories
3. The nastiest part is that before deleting your E:Mail directories it
copies the message/virus and forwards it to everyone on your directory
If your techies haven't already warned you it might be worth letting your
colleagues know.
Please ignore any messages regarding this supposed "virus" and do not pass
on any messages regarding it. Passing on messages about this hoax serves
only to further propagate it.

Penpal Greetings  

Aliases:  E-mail, Good Times.Penpal_Greetings  
Infection length:  Hoax  
Area of infection:  Hoax  
Likelihood:  Hoax  
Region reported:  Worldwide  
Characteristics:  Hoax  
Target platform:  Hoax  
Trigger date:  Hoax  

Penpal Greetings is not a virus. It is a hoax. The “virus” does not exist.
There is currently no virus that has the characteristics ascribed to Penpal

The e-mail message describing the virus is similar to the original Good
Times virus e-mail hoax. It could even be described as a virus hoax strain.

The Penpal Greetings hoax message includes the following “warning”:

This is a warning for all internet users - there is a dangerous virus
propagating across the internet through an e-mail message entitled "PENPAL
This message appears to be a friendly letter asking you if you are
interested in a penpal, but by the time you read this letter, it is too
late. The “trojan horse” virus will have already infected the boot sector
of your hard drive, destroying all of the data present. It is a
self-replicating virus, and once the message is read, it will AUTOMATICALLY
forward itself to anyone who's e-mail address is present in YOUR mailbox!

Please ignore any messages regarding this supposed “virus” and do not pass
on any messages regarding it. Passing on messages about this hoax serves
only to further propagate it.



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