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Re: ---== CSILLA #5278 ==---
Pluto torpe bolygo a tovabbiakban

Dátum: 2006. augusztus 24., 20:35
Feladó: Brlás Pál --
Tárgy: Pluto torpe bolygo a tovabbiakban


Lefokozták a Plútót, a továbbiakban törpebolygó a Ceres és a könnyen
megjegyezhető nevű 2003 UB313-mal egyetemben. Lehet átírni minden 1930 óta
megjelent kiadványt, a naprendszernek 8 bolyógója lett.

Íme a hír a -ról:

Today, astronomers at the International Astronomical Union's General
Assembly in Prague decided that the Solar System has eight planets, and
Pluto is not one of them. Pluto has been declared a "dwarf planet."  Joining
Pluto in the dwarf planet category are giant asteroid Ceres and Pluto's
cousin 2003 UB313.

To be a planet, the assembly ruled, a world must meet three criteria:

(1) It must have enough mass and gravity to gather itself into a ball.

(2) It must orbit the sun.

(3) It must reign supreme in its own orbit, having "cleared the
neighborhood" of other competing bodies.

Üdv: Pali

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