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Internet News
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Dátum: 1999. február 25., 0:41
Tárgy: Internet News

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This is a free newsmagazine
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</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=5><B>Internet News
February 1999</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=3>

</FONT><FONT COLOR="#00ff00" SIZE=5>  New Award Winning Casino is now
on-line over the Internet</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=3>

<FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=4>A new Internet Casino is now on-line and open for
business. Internet Players can select choose from:
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=4>Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, and
Baccarat.</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=4>
Click on the Blue Link below and type
"moreinfo" in the subject line.

Free Information will be emailed to you, including
playing tips and a special internet addresses on
where you can play these games over the internet

<A HREF="   Here To Get FREE Casino Info</A>
<FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=3>

</FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>
<FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=5>**************************************
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#00ff00" SIZE=5>The World's 100 Greatest
People Audio Collections
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=4>
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=4> Informative and inspirational quotes and
from the great books of world literature and
history's greatest people!

** E-Mailed to you FREE every day 365
days per year! <FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=3>
<FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=5> <FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=4>
<A HREF="">  Click Here to subscribe</A>
<A HREF="">
Click Here to visit NEW Audiobook Website</A>

*****<FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=5>************************************</FONT><FONT
COLOR="#000000" SIZE=5>
<FONT COLOR="#00ff00" SIZE=5>New Product for Athletes</FONT><FONT
COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=5>
<FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=2>
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=2> <FONT COLOR="#ffff00"
SIZE=4>Heavyweight fighter Clifford Couser, who portrayed
Mike Tyson in the movie "The Don King Story" says
that theSky-King Calf is "awesome" it keeps me
on the balls of my feet.

 Clifford Couser discovered "Sky-King" a recently
patented portable calf exercise device that has
proven to increase vertical jumping ability,
calf strength, foot quickness and balance.
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=4>
<A HREF=" ">Click Here to go to Sky-King
<FONT COLOR="#ffff00" SIZE=3>
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=3> ********************************************<FONT
COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=5>
</FONT><FONT COLOR="#00ff00" SIZE=5>Have you seen anime yet?</FONT><FONT
COLOR="#ff0000" SIZE=4>

Some of the best cartoons these days are coming
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